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Seeds of Hope

An arts-based project to raise awareness around suicide





Under the direction of Yehudit Silverman, Chair, Department of Creative Arts Therapies, Concordia University, in collaboration with the Education and Community Programs Department of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, this innovative project aims to use the arts as a therapeutic tool to raise awareness around the prevalence of suicide and how it affects families, loved ones, and communities. 


Participants are offered 3 mask making and creative arts therapies workshops and an exploration of the museum’s collection through guided tours. The project will culminate into a participant-led public exhibition of their creative works, visual arts/performance/writing, held at the museum.  There will also be a screening of Yehudit Silverman’s award winning film The Hidden face of Suicide  Masks and video clips from the film will be included as part of the public exhibition.


We are inviting individuals who have been affected by suicide and some of the communities we are approaching are First Nations, Inuit, LGBTQ, cross-cultural support workers who address issues of suicide, survivor groups (those who have lost someone to suicide), suicide attempt survivor groups, and military personnel.  The 3 workshops are free, for individuals over 18 years of age, and no previous art experience is required. Participants will only share what they choose to about their relationship to suicide.

SEEDS OF HOPE Public exhibition 

 Montreal Museum of Fine Arts

Atelier International d'éducation et d'art-thérapie

Michel de la Chenelière Salle J.A. DeSève   

2200 Crescent Street

March 8 - April 2, 2017


*Vernissage March 7, 5:30 - 7:30*



Please contact the project coordinator if you are interested in participating in a group, know someone who could benefit from being part of this project, or if you would like to support this project by making a donation.

Lindsay Clarke
Project Coordinator

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