Suicide Action Montreal
Telephone: 514 723-3594
Crisis Line: 514 723-4000
La ligne Prévention Suicide Laval
450 629-2911
Crisis line : 1-866-APPELLE
Ressource régionale suicide de Laval (RRS)
450 627-2530
Le Faubourg, Centre Prevention Suicide
Interligne (former Gai écoute)
Help line, listeners trained to understand issues related to LGBTQ
514 866-0103
Survivors of Suicide
Family Survivors of Suicide
by McGill School of Social Work
Languages: English and offered in French by request
514 398-7067
AMI - Quebec Alliance for the Mentally Ill
Languages: English and French
514 486-1448
Phone line and support groups for depression,
anxiety etc.
514 529-3081
Multi Écoute
Mental health prevention, listening hotline and in person counselling in diverse languages
514 737-3604
Mental health services
514 847-0787
La Ruche d’Art:
A community art studio- free and open to all
Fri and Sat: 2:00 - 7:00
4525, rue St-Jacques, Montreal
Kids Help Phone
Website offers resources, helpline, on-line forums, events such as the Bell Walk for Kids Help Phone and free materials for schools.
Languages: English and French
1 800 668-6868
The Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention
Services: Facilitation and development of information sharing on intervention and research; advocacy for policy development at the Federal/Provincial/Territorial Levels.
204 784-4073
The Support Network
780 482-0198
Languages: English
Services: The Support Network is the umbrella organization that overlooks the operations of the Crisis Support Centre, 211 Edmonton, and Volunteer Edmonton
Bereavement, education and training, crisis support
Mandate: Serving Edmonton and Northern Alberta
Distress Line: 780 482-4357
Centre for Suicide Prevention (CSP)
Affiliated with Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA)
Services: Education; certification workshops (all ages); bereavement. North America’s largest online library of suicide resources.
(403) 245-3900
Association Québécoise de Prévention du Suicide
List of regional prevention centres
Languages: French
Telephone: 418 614-5909
Crisis Line: 1 866 APPELLE (277-3553)
Centre for Research and Intervention on Suicide and Euthanasia (CRISE) – UQAM
www.crise.ca/index_eng.asp or www.crise.ca (French)